One would think it would be easy to write Chick-Lit. Boy meets girl, fall in love, have a fight, split up, make up again, happy ever after. Well in some respects, that is the pattern and almost all books in this genre I have read follow more or less that formula.
However, it's not as easy as you think it will be. I should know, I'm trying to write my first best seller. Even my first worst seller would do. I go from moments of thrilling madness, when I can't get my ideas down fast enough to moments of sheer despair when I write nothing for three days. And why is it when it's time for bed and I have work the next day so have to get a decent amount of sleep, that the ideas suddenly start flowing again and my fingers almost ignite with the sheer speed at which I'm trying to type.
I also have the problem that in my head I have pretty much the basic story line down but I have no way of knowing how the characters get from A to B to C to finally Z (which equals The End). Yes I know that Mr and Miss will enjoy their happy ever after but how do they get through x amount of chapters to get there?
I'm sure this is the familiar cry to all writers. My best friend tells me to relax and calm down, that I'm too much of a perfectionist. She's right of course, she always is. I can't get my brain into thinking that this is only a first draft, that it will go through many rewrites before I even submit it for publishing and then it could possibly go through many more. It's just my head wants it to be 100% right first time, I just can't get out of this mentality.

So this blog has started for me to mainly share with you my frustrations as my characters try to come to life in this world I have created for them. I know it's not particularly excting but it gives me a chance to get rid of anything blocking that creative flow and maybe, just maybe it will give you a chuckle along the way.
Scribbling off Angie