So, ever felt like you were running through treacle? Yup, that feeling of ploughing forwards, you ache and you're tired but you're getting nowhere? That's roughly the feeling I have now.
I've reached the point where I have to stop. I have to edit what I already have before I can go any further. I need to add in some background to my hero. He needs to be more likeable, more lovable. My audience needs to want him and my heroine to get together but right now, he could be anybody. A bit player, if you will. He's not fleshed out enough to draw the reader in and make them root for him.
So in order to do this, I have decided that every alternate chapter should be from Michael's POV rather than Claire's. However, I have to return to the beginning of the story to do this and I hate going backwards. I have a story in my head that needs to be told and I just want to push ahead but the longer I go on without adding more of Michael in, the harder it will be to slot his story in so they seamlessly join in the middle.
Plus every time I go back to look at the earlier chapters I already have written, the more I want to rewrite them so my time is still being spent on Claire.
To quote Pooh, "what to do, what to do."